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AHPA Congress on Immune Supplements: Regulatory and Research Strategies

  • Friday, October 29, 2021:7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Location: Lower Level, South Pacific F


American Herbal Products Association’s (AHPA) Congress on Immune Supplements: Regulatory and Research Strategies provide a unique opportunity to learn about regulatory considerations facing the botanical market, current and emerging financial trends, and many more of the diverse opportunities and challenges that are shared by the worldwide herbal and dietary supplements industry.

AHPA’s Immune Supplements Regulatory and Research Congress will provide guidance to dietary supplement ingredient suppliers, manufacturers, and affiliated firms that understand the impact of regulatory compliance. This unique, one-day event features a wide array of industry experts offering first-hand experience, education, and information.

A sampling of topics* that will be covered at the AHPA Immune Supplements Regulatory and Research Congress include:

  • The lawful labeling and marketing of claims
  • The impact of COVID on immune health product sales
  • Global supply chain management factors impacting U.S. supply
  • Traditional disciplines and immune health

*Topics subject to change.

Separate registration required.

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