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Dietary Supplement Claim Substantiation

  • Tuesday, October 26, 2021:8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Location: Lower Level, Islander F


The ​labeling ​and ​promotion ​of ​your ​dietary ​supplement ​products ​are ​the ​most ​visible ​ways ​that ​the ​Food ​& ​Drug ​Administration ​and ​the ​Federal ​Trade ​Commission ​can ​track ​your ​compliance ​with ​federal ​regulations. ​ ​A ​perfect ​complement ​to ​ “Dietary ​Supplement ​Labeling ​Compliance”, ​this ​course ​will ​go ​over ​in ​detail ​each ​type ​of ​permitted ​claim ​that ​is ​available ​to ​you ​and ​the ​criteria ​for ​making ​each ​one. ​We ​will ​cover ​FDA ​and ​FTC ​standards ​for ​substantiation. ​We ​will ​also ​go ​over ​how ​to ​build ​the ​substantiation ​for ​each ​claim ​that ​the ​FDA ​and ​FTC ​requires ​you ​to ​hold ​to ​ensure ​your ​claims ​are ​accurate ​and ​not ​misleading, ​and ​how ​you ​can ​avoid ​making ​implied ​claims ​which ​could ​lead ​to ​regulatory ​enforcement. ​Participants ​will ​learn ​how ​public ​knowledge ​of ​FTC ​and ​FDA ​enforcement ​actions ​affect ​business ​performance, ​enforcement/litigation ​trends ​and ​other ​responsibilities ​of ​dietary ​supplement ​manufacturers ​such ​as ​structure/function ​claim ​notification.

*Note: SupplySide West & Food ingredients North America registration is required to register for this course. Click here to register for this year’s event and available GMP courses.

Produced by:

Erin Taraborrelli
Associate Manager, Food & Label Compliance, North America
NSF International