SupplySide West 2021 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Vendor Qualification and Audit Training

  • Tuesday, October 26, 2021:8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Location: Lower Level, Islander G


This course is designed to give people who want to improve quality in their facility and who already have a basic understanding of the Dietary Supplement GMPs, the knowledge and skills necessary to qualify suppliers. Since the evaluation of all types of suppliers often involves auditing, this course will incorporate a fresh look at the process of auditing and the skills and techniques necessary to get the most from these activities. The auditing skills and techniques learned in this course are independent of the type of auditing or the standard being audited. These skills and techniques will be useful when conducting internal audits as well as performing audits of suppliers.

*Note: SupplySide West & Food ingredients North America registration is required to register for this course. Click here to register for this year’s event and available GMP courses.

Produced by:

Shawn Ludlow
Training Consultant
NSF International